HG Wells




Each year, the stories shortlisted for the H.G. Wells Short Story Competition are collected into and published as an anthology.

Copies of our anthologies are available for purchase as either a hard copy or to download for Kindle – details of each volume back to 2012 are below.

The Fool

The Fool contains twenty-four of the best short stories on the theme of The Fool selected by the judges from a large entry for the 2024 H.G. Wells Short Story Competition.

Stories are divided into two groups: authors 21 years of age and under and authors aged 22 years and above and include works in the junior category by Eshaaan Agarwal, Scarlett Bailey, Celia Fournier, Jahdai Grey, M J Harris, Annabelle McGrane, Ellie Mead, Hector Reynoso, Molly Venus and Anna Wang.

The senior category comprises works by Lior Blum, Matthew Dickens, Colin Evans, Jo Holmwood, Robert Maslen, Peter Poole, Keith Porter, Lalitha Ramanathan, Clare Shaw, James Skivington, Ian E Slatter, Rebecca Spillett, Saria Steyl and Emily Waugh.

The paperback and Kindle ebook is available from most Amazon sites around the world including:

UK Site: Amazon.co.uk

US site: Amazon.com

(Use ‘The Fool Joyce’ as the search in the Amazon book section)

Edited by Liz Joyce & Tony Scofield
252 pages. ISBN 978-1738402687
£8.49 (paperback).  £2.49 (Kindle ebook)


Switch contains thirteen of the best short stories on the theme of Switch selected by the judges from a large entry for the 2022 H.G. Wells Short Story Competition.

Stories are divided into two groups: authors 21 years of age and under and authors aged 22 years and above and include works by Kim A Bigelow, Amanda D’Errico, Sasha Gill, David McVey, Stephen O’Reilly, Adrian Paul, Susannah Rickards, Jamie Littlewood, Katie Farrell, Ryan Lee, Ginny Martin, Amelie Roscoe and Adriana Tihan.

The paperback and Kindle eBook are available from most Amazon sites including:

The paperback and Kindle eBook are available from most Amazon sites including:

UK Site: Amazon.co.uk

US site: Amazon.com 

(Use ‘Switch Joyce’ as the search in the Amazon book section)

Edited by Liz Joyce & Tony Scofield
136 pages. ISBN 978-0-9955730-9-3.


Edited by Liz Joyce & Tony Scofield
232 pages. ISBN 978-0-9955730-8-6.

Mask contains twenty-one of the best short stories on the theme of ‘Mask’ selected by the judges from a large entry for the 2021 H.G. Wells Short Story Competition.
Stories are divided into two groups: authors 21 years of age and under and authors aged 22 years and above and include works by Jessica Brien, Clara Chiu, Sophia Felsinger, Sarah Holm, Mia Ramage, Sumedha Sengupta, Sarah-Kate Simons, Nathan Steward, Weiyen Tan, Houssam Alissa, Fija Callaghan, Peter Collins, Simha Haddad, Katherine Haynes, E. S. Heffernan, Tony Hunter-Craig, Bethany Ridley-Duff, Lee Stoddart, Sarah Townend, Dan Vanvik and Stephen Webb.

Buy Mask from the publisher Trencavel Press (recommended for UK postage).

Buy Mask from Amazon (recommended for all non-UK postage).

Buy Mask as a Kindle download from Amazon.

Time cover


Edited by Liz Joyce, Tony Scofield & Lee Stoddart
184 pages. ISBN 978-0-9955730-5-5.

Time contains twenty of the best short stories on the theme of Time selected by the judges from a large entry for the 2019 H.G. Wells Short Story Competition. Stories are divided into two groups: authors 21 years of age and under and authors aged 22 years and above and include works by

Kirsty Balfour, Natalie Boal, Hiya Chowdhury, Sinéad Donaghy, James Huang, Meg Lintern, Laura Maria Steel Pascual, Bethany Ridley-Duff, Shelby de Rond, Krystal Song, Lee Amoss,

Charlotte Bracey, David Bradley, Frances Brindle, Cheryl Buck, Lesley Bungay, Beverley Haddon, Matthew McDonald, Saritha Rao Rayachoti and Fiona Salter.

Edited by Charles Bain Smith
181 pages. ISBN 978-0-9955730-1-7.

Light contains twenty of the best short stories on the theme of Light selected by the judges from a large entry for the 2017 H.G. Wells Short Story Competition.

Stories are divided into two groups: authors 21 years of age and under and authors aged 22 years and above and include works by Hazel Atkinson, Mina Bixley, Malak Elsouri, Grace Howarth, Kaylene Jackmore, Francesca Kennedy,

Elizabeth Kuiper, Laura Steel Pascual, Sithara Ranasinghe, Ashira Shirali, Alex Reece Abbott, Dianne Bown-Wilson, D R D Bruton, Mark Howard, Anthony Howcroft, Robin Jones, Sally Lane, Anne Petrie and Louise Rimmer.


Edited by Charles Bain Smith
184 pages. ISBN 978-0-9572485-9-5.

Space contains twenty of the best short stories on the theme of Space selected by the judges from a large entry for the 2016 H.G. Wells Short Story Competition. Stories are divided into two groups: authors 21 years of age and under and authors aged 22 years and above and include works by

Holly Cartwright, Caitlin Evans, Grace Haddon, Eve Lytollis, Charlotte Mullen, Laura Steel Pascual, Alice Sargent, Allison Stevick, Emma Strutt, Jake Trimmer, Victoria Wang,

Hilary Dean, Wei-Li Chin, DJ Dingham, Kate L. Jefford, David Norman, Anne Petrie, Michele Sheldon and Diane Wisdom.

“We all have our time machines, don’t we. Those that take us back are memories…And those that carry us forward, are dreams.”
― H.G. Wells

Edited by Liz Joyce


286 pages. ISBN 978-0-9572485-8-8.


Class contains twenty six of the best short stories on the theme of Class selected by the judges from a large entry for the 2015 H.G. Wells Short Story Competition.

Stories are divided into two groups: authors 21 years of age and under and authors aged 22 years and above and include works by Georgia Bozianu, William Carroll, Esmé Ford, Holly Friend,Lowri Mathias, Marcus McCabe, Julia Mun,

Lauren Ross, Molly Watkins, Cassandra Yong, Dorothy Bruce, Eve Chancellor, Catherine Higgins-Moore, Anne O’Brien, Anne Padley, Daniel Penfold, Thomas Pitts, Auriel Roe, Eleanor Ross, Dave Shonfield, Anstey Spraggan, Lee Stoddart, Thomas Wadsworth, Melanie Whipman and S. Zatland


Fortune contains twenty of the best short stories on the theme of Fortune selected by the judges from a large entry for the 2014 H.G. Wells Short Story Competition.

Stories are divided into two groups: authors 21 years of age and under and authors aged 22 years and above and include works by Esther M. White, Sithara Ranasinghe, Gemma Talbot, Alexandra Jessop, Will Jarrett, John Noden, Rosie Carter, C. Jay Divine, Gabrielle Corry-Mead, K. Lockwood Jefford, Emma Norry, Adam Colton, Catherine Higgins-Moore, Craig Smith, Giselle Evans, Fabian Acker, Amy Licence, Alex Reece Abbott, Ikhtisad Ahmed and Melanie Whipman.

Edited by Liz Joyce


192 pages. ISBN 978-0-9572485-5-7.


Born of the Island and Other Sea Stories

Born of the Island and Other Sea Stories contains twenty-two of the best short stories on the theme of The Sea selected by the judges from a large entry for the 2012 H.G. Wells Short Story Competition.

Stories are divided into two groups: authors under the age of twenty-six and authors twenty-six years of age and over, and include works by Angus Nesbit, Anastasia Bow-Bertrand, Sinéad Stoddart, Akiho Schilz, Sophie Lister,

William Jarrett, Holly Ice, Daisy-Mae Perkins, Karl Mercer, Michele Sheldon, David Griffin, David Shonfield, Mike Umbers, Pat Ashford, Hummel C. Addams, Mel Fawcet, Don Nixon, Andrew Campbell-Kearsey, Fabian Acker, Rik Thomas and Anthony Hulse.

2012 HG Wells competition anthology Sea

Edited by Rosie Unsworth
246 pages. ISBN 978-0-9572485-1-9.