Author: Gary Fuller
CLASS – quote for the day
Character is that which reveals moral purpose, exposing the class of things a man chooses or avoids. (Aristotle)
CLASS – quote for the day
Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation and this means we must develop a world perspective. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Are you under 21? Are you a writer?
£1000 is waiting for the winner of the Junior Category (under 21 on Sunday 19 July) – and the opportunity of becoming a published author together with all shortlisted writers. Get your entry in soon to be sure not to miss the deadline!
CLASS quote of the day
I was never top of the class at school, but my classmates must have seen potential in me, because my nickname was ‘Einstein.’ Stephen Hawking
… until deadline for entries for the HG Wells Short Story Competition. Send email entries and application forms to: OR send hard copies to: HG Wells Festival, 3 Jointon Road, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2RF
CLASS – today’s definition – and some synonyms
Today’s definition of CLASS [plus some synonyms] assign or regard as belonging to a particular category. e.g. conduct which is classed as criminal synonyms: classify, categorize, group, grade, rate, type
CLASS – some more synonyms
Some more synonyms for CLASS [from Oxford Dictionary] e.g. A class player …excellent, very good, first-rate, first-class, marvellous, wonderful, magnificent, outstanding, superlative, superb, formidable, virtuoso, masterly, expert, champion, fine, consummate, skilful, adept
and now for today’s CLASS synonyms…
SYNONYMS for CLASS [from Oxford Dictionary] e.g. the woman had CLASS; the place had real CLASS …style, stylishness, elegance, chic, sophistication, taste, refinement;quality, excellence, distinction, merit, prestige.
Definition of CLASS for today
… and today’s definition [taken from the Oxford Dictionary] Showing stylish excellence EXAMPLE SENTENCES He’s a class player. It’s disappointing straight after the match, but I was beaten by a class player. However, on Saturday he showed the class player he is scoring an effortless hundred and he would still be not out if we…