Author: Gary Fuller
Monday 21 September – 2015 Competition Shortlist Announced
Hello writers and followers! Just a quick reminder to keep a look out for the HG Wells Short Story Competition 2015 shortlist which will be published/posted on Monday 21 September (HG Wells’ birthday)
Congratulations to all Competition short story entrants
All Competition entries in and registered – and congratulations to each one of you for being a writer. Shortlist announced Monday 21 September (HG Wells’ birthday). Winners announced at ceremony at The Grand, Folkestone on Sunday 29 November – keep the date free!
and the Competition entries continue to arrive….
well done all you writers – fantastic lot of entries so far and still coming in…
“I like short stories”
… said John Updike. So do we! … and you’ve got until midnight today (Sunday 19 July) to send yours in.
Still over 24 hours to go….
… until the midnight deadline for Competition entries (Sunday 19 July) – send yours in as soon as you can!
BRILLIANT O. Thomas comment on the SHORT STORY
“I’ll give you the whole secret to short story writing. Here it is. Rule 1: Write stories that please yourself. There is no Rule 2.” – O. Henry
Midnight tomorrow….
Sunday 19 July … is the deadline for the 2015 HG Wells Competition Short Story Competition – have you sent in your entry yet?
Ali Smith – on the short story
“Short stories consume you faster. They’re connected to brevity. With the short story, you are up against mortality. I know how tough they are as a form, but they’re also a total joy.” – Ali Smith
F. Scott Fitzgerald and the short story
“Find the key emotion; this may be all you need know to find your short story.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
…. until closing date for the 2015 HG Wells Short Story Competition: midnight Sunday 19 July …. so still time to get your entries in! Find us online: Email: Facebook: Twitter: