We will be holding a free workshop at The Grand Hotel, Folkestone on Saturday 4th June, 10am-12pm, led by Barbara Cambridge. Places are limited to 10 only, so they will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. Please get in touch to book your space!
Barbara Cambridge has lived in the Folkestone area for some 30 years, having spent several years living in both Mexico and South Africa. She used to be a study-o-holic, and she has a range of professional, creative writing and other random qualifications, as well a first degree and a Masters in English, both of which were achieved late on in life. She has written on and off for years in a somewhat haphazard manner. She becomes frustrated by the long periods when the muse appears to have deserted her.
Barbara has led a number of writing courses and workshops, primarily for the U3A, both in Canterbury and Shepway, and also for Quarterhouse. Several of her ‘students’ have gone on to do further writing courses, and several have gone on to publish their work. Barbara loves the satisfaction that comes, in leading creative writing groups, from seeing her ‘students’ open up and become enthused by the whole creative process.
Paul Allen, Chair of UK HG Wells Society, has advised that he will be meeting with the BBC shortly, as they are making a documentary of HG Wells to be screened later this year. They are looking to film in locations where he lived and worked so watch this space…..
We are happy to consider running group workshops across the southeast. What sort of thing would you like to see covered?